Wednesday, August 29, 2007

She's growing up...

Camryn's first day of Kindergarten - August, 2007

My baby had her first day of school on Monday this week. She's such a big girl now. She has been so excited to start Kindergarten and she absolutely loves it. For now anyway. She is so happy to be going to the same school as her big sister went to. She loves to tell me how her day went and I cherish our time together over lunch.

Hannah is growing up fast too. She is adjusting well with all the new changes of middle school. This is the first week for homework and schedules, breaking it off with her first boyfriend and dressing out for P.E. It's all a little overwhelming but she's a trooper and is handling all in stride.

The boyfriend thing was a little hard for us at first but we trust her and after some lengthy conversations and some boundaries we let out the reign a bit. She constantly amazes me with her choices. After a couple months of having a boyfriend, she realizes that she just wants God to be first place in her life and a boyfriend is just not that important to her right now. Man, it was so different when I was growing up. I was always longing for something and looking in all the wrong places. I am so happy that she knows where to look when she's longing. That her heart is full with the love of God. I love the hope of knowing that my mistakes don't have to carry on into her life.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Meet "Mia"

This is the newest addition to our family. I love, love, love her. She basically just fell into our laps. We were cleaning out the garage this past weekend, way long overdue, but I came across the cat carrier I had from our prior kitty and some kitty litter. I was gonna just get rid of them, but Keith said to hang onto it cause you never know, we'll probably get another kitty sometime. Well not a half hour later, our neighbor comes by and asks us if we would like to have a kitten. Keith and I both looked at each other and started cracking up. The timing was perfect and so is she.

I had a Siamese cat many years ago that I absolutely adored. She was a beauty and so when we saw that these kittens were part Siamese I just couldn't pass it up. So here she is, baby Mia and we all love her so much already.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Family Time

I just love spending time with my family. Cammy had opening day for T-Ball this weekend and we all had an awesome time hanging out at the park, meeting some new friends and just being with each other. We really need to do this more often.

Monday, June 11, 2007


"To have and to hold; for better or for worse; in sickness and in health; 'til death do us part."

You may now kiss the bride

And here they are, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Huntington Baldwin.

Thirteen years ago today, we made a promise to each other. To love one another; to honor and cherish one another no matter what our circumstances are. I will honestly say, we have had our fair share of trials and ups and downs. But one thing stands the test of times. One thing that we share that is stronger and continues to grow each and every day, and that is the love we have for each other. The good times that we share far outweigh the bad and with every day that we grow closer to each other, the better and more complete my life is.

I love you Keith Huntington Baldwin, forever.


Friday, June 08, 2007

"Our generation is preoccupied with methods. We spend much energy looking for spiritual disciplines, books, seminars, or conferences that "work" in order to feel satisfied with our Christian life.

"Trusting in methods rather than in a Person seriously limits the way we experience God. When we expect Him to speak to us only in predictable ways, we forget that God is much more complex that our perception of Him."

"Don't limit yourself to a method, expecting only to hear from your Father in predictable ways. Rather, open yourself up to other means by which God wants to commune with you. Allow the Holy Spirit to sensitize you to God's message at all times, in every location, under any circumstance."

[excerpts from Experiencing God Day-by-Day]

Oh, Lord, I don't want to ever get caught up in methods. I want to see and experience You in everything, in all things, everywhere. I don't want to ever put any limits on You through any means. Forgive me Lord for the times I have shut you out or put you in a box. My eyes are open, my heart is open. I want to breathe You in.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Presenting Class of 2007......

..... Camryn Baldwin.

She did it! She graduated preschool. I am so very proud of my baby today. I can't believe she'll be going off to elementary school in the fall. :( One going to elementary and the other off to middle school. My they grow up too fast. I don't know if I'm ready for all this.

We had a wonderful day watching her and all her classmates receive their diploma; playing in the sand; and enjoying a wonderful spread of hot dogs, chips, fruit and punch. It was a glorious day.


Friday, April 13, 2007

Will you be my friend?

I just love the innocence of children. How they're not afraid to make new friends. They don't worry if they say the right thing or not. They have no expectations only to just play, and be friends, in the moment.

I took Cammy to the park today and while I was throwing the ball to our dog, Cammy goes off to play at the play structure. There's kids all over, playing in their little groups that they came with and then there's Cammy. What does she do? She starts playing with a little group of kids and makes friends. They have never met before. They don't even know each other's names and yet they're running around, laughing, playing make believe and just enjoying each other's company.

Why can't we as adults do that? Why is it so hard for us to just jump in, with that child-like innocence and make new friends, in the moment. I think, for me, I feel like it has to be some sort of long-term relationship; that it's gonna take a lot of work to maintain and so on and so on. But really, it doesn't. I could have all kinds of friends; just people I meet in passing or at the grocery store or whatever. People whom I may never see again, but friends through a casual conversation or even just a smile, a connection that can last a lifetime. Wow, I learned a little somethin' today, from my sweet little somethin'. It's funny what we can learn through the eyes of a child.